I was let off easy for Halloween this year. The middle two wanted to be astronauts: costumes already made. The oldest took care of his own and the youngest wanted to be an Egyptian. I don't know where that came from. I was guessing some kind of animal, but she stuck with the idea for three weeks. That's like 50 years translated into adult time reckoning.
So I poked around my stash of fabric and craft miscellany and .... I'm not sure whether to be pleased or embarrassed, but I had almost everything I needed already.
I found a scarf at the thrift store for $.85 and a few jewels on clearance for $.70 and we were done! It was actually very fun to make, too.
After a trunk or treat at the church and trick or treating in our neighborhood, we have enough candy to last for about 27 years.
And C didn't even go out! He manned the door instead with his surveillance equipment set up to alert him when trick-or-treaters were coming and his spooky music wafting through carefully arranged speakers in the front yard. He's hoping to add a fog machine next year. :)